Thanks to C.Hawkins blogger @ for nominating me for the Liebster Award! This is my first time being nominated for this award.
Here are the 11 Questions she asked me:
1. What was your inspiration behind choosing the name for your blog? My family always called me a beauty queen because of my obsession with beauty. When I came to name my blog I noticed there were alot of blogs name beauty queen, so I decided to switch my name up a bit and named it Beauty of a queen.
2. Why did you decide to get into blogging? I had alot of ideas and helpful tips that i wanted to share with people outside of my family and friends.
3. What is one lesson you've learned in life that you would like to share with your followers? The biggest lesson I have learned so far is that everyone is beautiful no matter your weight, height, skincare etc.
4. Where are you from? Montgomery,AL.
5. What is your favorite thing to do with your time? I love to go shopping whenever there is time for to do so.
6. What is your most prized possession? A Christmas card from 2004 that my Grandfather gave to me the first time I met him.
7. How would you describe your friends? Supportive, fun, ambitious, and caring.
8. What are your top three aspirations in life? #1. Graduate college with a degree in Apparel and textile design.
#2. Be successful at starting my own fashion line.
#3. I would love to get married and have kids.
9. If you could have a ticket to any place in the world where would it be and why? I would go to Hawaii, I love The culture of the Hawaiian people.
10. Do you have a Facebook/twitter/some other social network for your blog? Yes. Twitter @_beautyofaqueen and google plus. 11. Are you going to nominate 11 more people?!? yes
11 facts about me:
#1. Favorite color is purple.
#2. Love shopping.
#3. I'm the oldest of 6 children.
#4. I love meeting new people.
#5. I love cosmetology.
#6. I love making throw pillows.
#7. Monica is my favorite Singer.
#8."How do I look" is my favorite
T.V. show.
#9.I peanut-butter covered Brownies.
#10. I used to want to be a model.
#11. I love learning new things.
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