So yesterday I received the free Aveeno positively radiant intensive night cream from Influenster for FREE! NOW THIS IS COMPLETELY NEW THE PRODUCT HASN'T REACHED THE STORES YET!!! It came with a really nice light green eye mask. Im so happy and honored I got chosen to participate in this campaign. The product Is formulated to improve 5 of the major skin care concerns (Uneven skin tone, brown spots, blotchiness,dry skin and dullness). It is also rumored to reduce the appearance of discoloration. So I hope it works as well as they say it does.
So I used the cream lastnight and this morning I notice my face is actually alot softer! When I was applying this cream lastnight I couldn't believe how moistened and softer my face was becoming. So far so good this is definitely a product I will go out and purchase! I like the product alot but I would have to do some more experimenting to see if it works overall, but so far it does softened and moisturize my skin!
So thank you to Influenster and Aveeno for sending me this great product! I received these products from Influenster for testing purposes.
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